Monday 30 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review.

So my first review on my blog will be for one of the most anticipated reviews of the summer.

TDKR is one of Christopher Nolans masterpieces.
Nolans gritty Batman trilogy finally comes to an end and it ends things on a high note.
The film kicks off almost instantly with a scene straight out of  a James Bond movie, Introducing Bane as a menacing villain, before slowing down to introduce a script well written that produces some of the supporting casts best performances.

There have been mentions before and since about Banes "Unintelligible" voice and for one, i have to say i understood over 95% of the speech. It was one of the shining things about the film. His voice gives him a menace not seen so far in the trilogy, whilst also giving him an air of intelligence.
Its a far cry from Jokers (And Ledgers Oscar winning performance) pure out violence whereas Bane doesn't do anything that isn't part of his long term plan throughout the film.
Hardys performance makes up for Banes previous showing in the awful 1997 'Batman & Robin'.

The film slowly builds up, set 8 years after the events of 'The Dark Knight', it shows Gordon (Gary Oldman) clearly struggling under the weight of the lie created by himself and Batman (Christian Bale) about Harvey Dent in the previous film.

The films action scenes are few and far apart, requiring the cast to step up and provide some of the best performances of their careers.
Hathaway makes a decent attempt at Selina Kyle, who doesn't really get enough screen-time to build up the character like others.
Cotillard, her character shrouded in secrecy before the release provides one of the films great twists at the end and has some great chemistry with Hardy/Bale.
Freeman is back as the humor based Fox. He has a bigger role to play in this film than before and shines in his screen time.

The stand out performances are definitely Levitt and Caine. (Caine being my early pick for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars when they come around.)
Levitt plays a street wise cop, loyal and very justice orientated. He is a great companion to Batman and Waynes, their on screen chemistry is a joy to watch and is more evidence of Levitt being an actor (like Hardy) improving all the time and ready to take a film on their own shoulders instead of supporting from now on, especially with Hardy set for the Mad Max remake.

Caine though, steals the show. In his best performance yet, which considering some of his other films, is a huge achievement really brings his A-Game.
His scenes, which are very few are emotionally charged and really do bring a tear to the eye, the only problem being that there really isn't enough of him in the film.

Overall, this film hits all the spots.
This Isn't 'The Dark Knight' though. This is more about the characters behind the masks and personas like 'Batman Begins'.
In the sense that 'Begins' is the origins of Batman, TDKR is the finale. The story comes full circle and ends with probably the best 20 minutes of the trilogy.

There are a couple of cons to it though.
It is a very long film and a lot of people i have spoken to have commented that for them, it was too long. As a massive comic fan, the film is a culmination of brilliance. The story-arcs take some of the best of the comics and expands upon them.
It will irritate a lot of people that have only been introduced to Batman through Nolans trilogy though. It is typical Nolan essentially which always seems to separate opinions but one thing is sure, this is a must see film.

The main question is this. Where does Batman go from here?
For me, it doesn't. Nolans Batman will never be surpassed and whoever takes on 'The Cowl' will have a tough job to follow on from.

Sunday 29 July 2012

First post.

Hey all, this is a new blog on film around the world.
I will be reviewing new films, golden oldies being released/re-released on DVD and commenting on some independent films when i see them.
I will also hopefully get some interviews going with upcoming directors/actors that i meet through the independent circuit.

To give you some information on myself.
I am 20 years of age and live in London, UK.
I work full-time and work shift work, which means i will most likely be posting about new releases at the cinemas on my early shifts, as i can hop into the cinema straight after work.
On the other week of shifts i will be trying to preview upcoming releases, post interviews or review DVD releases or just commenting on certain aspects of the film world.

Ive watched films for years now and been a keen follower of critics such as Dan Schneider (Still IMO, one of the most underrated critics.)
I have a wide range of films i enjoy, my biggest passion is SciFi after watching and become entranced by Star Wars at such an early age.

My biggest concern about films recently is that the films seem to be getting less... Intuitive?
Its like Hollywood has suddenly decided that the human race has degenerated into a subculture that cant watch a film for more than 5 minutes without a pointless sex scene or explosion. (Transformers 3, im looking at you here)

After my reviews, i look forward to your comments and opinions.
If you have a problem with something i mentioned in my review or if you've spotted a mistake, please feel free to let me know.
I value free speech above all else but please keep your comments on topic, constructive and please do not post anything racist, sexist or degenerative unless it is a proper point you are making.

My first review will be up soon, i hope you enjoy the writing style and please, if you are an independent film maker/actor please, feel free to get in contact as I'm always looking for some independent talent to interview for the blog.